martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Red Bot for tibia 8.73

RedBot es un bot para Tibia totalmente gratuito, lo mejor de este bot es su diseño unico y sus funciones muy utiles entre las que destacan: Mana Restore, Auto-Haste, Auto Mana-Shield, Anti-Paralyze, Mana Trainer, CaveBot, Target, Looting, Auto Fishing, Attack Mode, Light, Alarms entre muchas mas funciones, RedBot es 100% Indetectable al sistema banned de Tibia.

Tibia MC for tibia 8.73

Para ejecutar mas de un tibia a la ves

Tibia MC

Tibia luz for tibia 8.73

Tibia luz es un programita muy util y 100% indetecble y seguro.
Tiene luz, auto fish, radar, autfits, entre otros.

Tibia Luz 8.73

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Como instalar tibia bot ng

Primero que nada esto esta libre de virus, troyanos, gusanos, etc. he visto mucho virus y boludeces de esas en todos lados desde you tube hasta taringa.
Acá les traigo una guia basada en un post de taringa que no contiene virus ni nada de eso, además les voy a dar algunos consejos para que no los roben....
Primero que nada esto se puede crackear (o truchear) de una sola forma, o por lo menos la que yo conozco. no existe crack alguno libre de virus que haga que funcione magicamente y también acuerdence que a la hora de botear hay muchas formas de que nos maten. por ejemplo hay cajas que el bot no sabe pasar por arriba.

Ahora lo  prometido, primero necesitamos bajarnos estas 4 cosas pueden entrar a este post y descargarlos:

WINHEX 13.5 (editor hexadecimal)TIBIABOT NG 4.3.6 (es la primera version a instalar)TIBIABOT NG 4.5.0 TIBIABOT NG (La ultima vercion bajarla de aca)   Descomprimimos el Winhex y lo instalamos. En la carpeta keygen va a haver un programita que da keys para validar el keygen  

   luego vamos a abrir el winhex y vamos al menu help y clickeamos en register...
una ves hecho esto nos aparecerá este casillero en blanco y solo tensemos que llenarlo con lo que nos dice en el keygen  
   Ya habilitamos el win hex Ahora abrimos el win hex e instalamos el tibia bot ng 4.3.6(no deben tener instalado ningún tibia bot ng, en el caso de que lo tengan desinstalenlo) y lo abrimos (sin tener abierto el tibia) Les aparecerá una ventana así

Ponen enter key y de esta ventana necesitan copiar el código (2aeb-ba33 o el que le aparezca)

Vamos a la ventana del win hex y apretamos Alt+F9, tenemos que elegir la segunda que dice loader(fijate que nos aparecen 2 loader, es la segunda), clikeamos el + y hacemos doble click en memoria completa o entery memory (segun el idioma que tengamos)

Ahora se acuerdan del numero que copiamos el paso anterior? lo nesessitaremos.Apreten Ctrl+H y les saltara una ventana asi (tambien pueden ir al menu buscar, reemplazar texto) 
 Arriba donde dice search for ponen el codigo que copiamos y abajo el codigo 7890-7C27 y tambien nesesitamos que este activado el replace all occurrences y le damos ok a todo lo que nos aparescaAhora presionamos simultaneamente Ctrl+Alt+H tenemos de nuevo dos casillas para rellenar. 
En la primera casilla ponemos "358AC0E665" y en la segunda ponemos "B8277C9078".Marcamos de nuevo "prompt when found" ó "Preguntar al encontrar", y le damos ok y aceptamos todo lo que salgaAhora nuevamente Ctrl+Alt+H tenemos de nuevo dos casillas para rellenar en la primera ponemos "33865C200000" y en la segunda "B8277C907890". 
Regresamos a la ventana de tibiabot ng, de donde copiamos el primer codigo, y lo rellenamo con los siguientes datos.Name: Nyken Nykensson
  Ya esta crakeado ahora nesesitamos actualizar la vercionInstalamos el tibiabot ng 4.5.0. Vamos a la carpeta donde se instalo el bot, generalmente c:\archivos de programas\tibiabot ng\y copian el archivo loader.exe y lo mandan a otra carpeta cualquiera.Luego intalan la ultima vercion que tengan del tibia bot ngY ahora copian el loader.exe que habian pasado a otra carpeta y lo pegan en la carpeta  donde tienen instalado el tibia bot ng  Y listo ya esta para botear si tienen algun problemita solo comenten.    

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

Lista completa de id items tibia bot ng. Full list of id tibia bot ng items.

[3393]Amazon Helmet
[3022]Ancient Tiara
[9103]Batwing Hat
[3408]Beholder Helmet
[3354]Brass Helmet
[3394]Ceremonial Mask
[3352]Chain Helmet
[3407]Charmer's Tiara
[11674]Cobra Crown
[11700]Coolie Hat
[3385]Crown Helmet
[3391]Crusader Helmet
[3226]Damaged Helmet
[5924]Damaged Steel Helmet
[3384]Dark Helmet
[3387]Demon Helmet
[3356]Devil Helmet
[3400]Dragon Scale Helmet
[3396]Dwarven Helmet
[11689]Elite Draken Helmet
[3406]Feather Headdress
[5903]Ferumbras' Hat
[3230]Full Helmet of the Ancients
[7458]Fur Cap
[829]Glacier Mask
[3365]Golden Helmet / Helmet of the stars
[3210]Hat of the Mad
[3229]Helmet of the Ancients
[5460]Helmet of the Deep
[3390]Horned Helmet
[3405]Horseman Helmet
[3353]Iron Helmet
[10451]Jade Hat
[894]Jester Hat
[7461]Krimhorn Helmet
[3355]Leather Helmet
[3374]Legion Helmet
[828]Lightning Headband
[7992]Mage Hat
[3573]Magician Hat
[827]Magma Monocle
[9399]Mighty Helm of Green Sparks
[875]Mining Helmet
[3574]Mystic Turban
[6577]Party Hat
[6096]Pirate Hat
[3576]Post Officers Hat
[7462]Ragnir Helmet
[3392]Royal Helmet
[6531]Santa Hat
[5741]Skull Helmet
[3375]Soldier Helmet
[3351]Steel Helmet
[3373]Strange Helmet
[3376]Studded Helmet
[830]Terra Hood
[3403]Tribal Mask
[3367]Viking Helmet
[3369]Warrior Helmet
[3368]Winged Helmet
[9653]Witch Hat
[8864]Yalahari Mask
[10385]Zaoan Helmet

Armors/Coats/Jackets etc.

[3394]Amazon Armor
[3570]Ball Gown
[8044]Belted Cape
[3567]Blue Robe
[3359]Brass Armor
[3358]Chain Armor
[3381]Crown Armor
[8050]Crystalline Armor
[3383]Dark Armor
[8037]Dark Lord's Cape
[3888]Demon Armor
[8057]Divine Plate
[8039]Dragon Robe
[3386]Dragon Scale Mail
[3397]Dwarven Armor
[8054]Earthborn Titan Armor
[11651]Elite Draken Mail
[8064]Ethno Coat
[8053]Fireborn Giant Armor
[8043]Focus Cape
[8059]Frozen Plate
[8048]Girl's Dress
[824]Glacier Robe
[3360]Golden Armor
[3563]Green Tunic
[8041]Greenwood Coat
[8045]Hibiscus Dress
[3370]Knight Armor
[8049]Lavos Armor
[3361]Leather Armor
[3404]Leopard Armor
[825]Lightning Robe
[3366]Magic Plate Armor
[7991]Magician's Robe
[826]Magma Coat
[7463]Mammoth Fur Cape
[8060]Master Archer's Armor
[8058]Molten Plate
[3402]Native Armor
[3380]Noble Armor
[8056]Oceanborn Leviathan Armor
[11701]Old Cape
[8063]Paladin Armor
[6095]Pirate Shirt
[3357]Plate Armor
[3571]Ranger's Cloak
[3566]Red Robe
[3564]Red Tunic
[8038]Robe of the Ice Queen
[8062]Robe of the Underworld
[11686]Royal Draken Mail
[11687]Royal Scale Robe
[3377]Scale Armor
[3568]Simple Dress
[8061]Skullcracker Armor
[10438]Spellweaver's Robe
[8042]Spirit Cloak
[3378]Studded Armor
[8046]Summer Dress
[8052]Swamplair Armor
[811]Terra Mantle
[8040]Velvet Mantle
[8051]Voltage Armor
[3569]White Dress
[8055]Windborn Colossus Armor
[7993]Witchhunter's Cloak
[8863]Yalahari Armor
[10384]Zaoan Armor
[10439]Zaoan Robe

Legs/Pants etc

[3560]Bast Skirt
[645]Blue Legs
[3372]Brass Legs
[3558]Chain Legs
[3382]Crown Legs
[3389]Demon Legs
[3363]Dragon Scale Legs
[823]Glacier Kilt
[3364]Golden Legs
[3371]Knight Legs
[3559]Leather Legs
[822]Lightning Legs
[821]Magma Legs
[7464]Mammoth Fur Shorts
[5918]Pirate Knee Breeches
[3557]Plate Legs
[8095]Ranger Legs
[3362]Studded Legs
[812]Terra Legs
[8863]Yalahari Leg Piece
[10387]Zaoan Legs


[3079]Boots of Haste
[3246]Boots of Waterwalking
[11690]Broken Draken Boots
[9017]Coconut Shoes
[3556]Crocodile Boots
[10200]Crystal Boots
[10201]Dragon Scale Boots
[4033]Draken Boots
[9019]Firewalker Boots
[9018]Firewalker Boots [being weared]
[7457]Fur Boots
[819]Glacier Shoes
[3555]Golden Boots
[10323]Guardian Boots
[3552]Leather Boots
[820]Lightning Boots
[818]Magma Boots
[6529]Pair of Soft Boots
[5461Pirate Boots
[3554]Steel Boots
[813]Terra Boots
[10386]Zaoan Shoes


[3437]Amazon Shield
[3432]Ancient Shield
[3413]Battle Shield
[3418]Beholder Shield
[3429]Black Shield
[3423]Blessed Shield
[3441]Bone Shield
[3411]Brass Shield
[3435]Castle Shield
[3430]Copper Shield
[3419]Crown Shield
[3421]Dark Shield
[3420]Demon Shield
[3416]Dragon Shield
[3425]Dwarven Shield
[8078]Fiery Rainbow Shield
[3422]Great Shield
[3433]Griffin Shield
[3415Guardian Shield
[8079]Icy Rainbow Shield
[3414]Mastermind Shield
[351]Meat Shield
[3436]Medusa Shield
[6432]Necromancer Shield
[6390]Nightmare Shield
[7460]Norse Shield
[3424]Ornamented Shield
[3439]Phoenix Shield
[3410]Plate Shield
[8077]Rainbow Shield
[3427]Rose Shield
[3445]Salamander Shield
[3440]Scarab Shield
[3444]Sentinel Shield
[xxxx]Shield of Care
[11688]Shield of Corruption
[3417]Shield of Honour
[xxxx]Shield of the White Knight
[8080]Sparking Rainbow Shield
[3409]Steel Shield
[3426]Studded Shield
[3442]Tempest Shield
[8081]Terran Rainbow Shield
[xxxx]The Shield Nevermourn
[6131]Tortoise Shield
[3428]Tower Shield
[3443]Tusk Shield
[3434]Vampire Shield
[3431]Viking Shield
[3412]Wooden Shield


[11691]Snake God's Wristguard
[8090]Spellbook of Dark Mysteries
[8072]Spellbook of Enlightenment
[8075]Spellbook of Lost Souls
[8074]Spellbook of Mind Control
[8073]Spellbook of Warding
[8076]Spellscroll of Prophecies

Axe Weapons

[7436]Angelic Axe
[3317]Barbarian Axe
[3266]Battle Axe
[3344]Beastslayer Axe
[7412]Butcher's Axe
[3328]Daramanian Waraxe
[8098]Demonwing Axe
[3275]Double Axe
[3302]Dragon Lance
[7419]Dreaded Cleaver
[3323]Dwarven Axe
[783]Earth Barbarian Axe
[787]Earth Headchopper
[786]Earth Heroic Axe
[785]Earth Knight Axe
[788]Earth Waraxe
[801]Energy Barbarian Axe
[804]Energy Headchopper
[803]Energy Heroic Axe
[802]Energy Knight Axe
[805]Energy Waraxe
[665]Fiery Barbarian Axe
[668]Fiery Headchopper
[667]Fiery Heroic Axe
[666]Fiery Knight Axe
[669]Fiery Waraxe
[3320]Fire Axe
[7454]Glorious Axe
[3306]Golden Sickle
[3303]Great Axe
[3315]Guardian Halberd
[3268]Hand Axe
[8096]Hellforged Axe
[7389]Heroic Axe
[684]Icy Barbarian Axe
[687]Icy Headchopper
[686]Icy Heroic Axe
[685]Icy Knight Axe
[688]Icy Waraxe
[3318]Knight Axe
[7455]Mythril Axe
[7456]Noble Axe
[3313]Obsidian Lance
[3316]Orcish Axe
[7411]Ornamented Axe
[3331]Ravager's Axe
[7420]Reaper's Axe
[3346]Ripper Lance
[7434]Royal Axe
[6553]Ruthless Axe
[xxxx]Scythe of the Reaper
[8097]Solar Axe
[7773]Steel Axe
[3319]Stonecutter Axe
[7413]Titan Axe
[3335]Twin Axe
[7388]Vile Axe
[3342]War Axe
[10406]Zaoan Halberd

Club Weapons

[7414]Abyss Hammer
[7426]Amber Staff
[3341]Arcane Staff
[3348]Banana Staff
[3305]Battle Hammer
[7429]Blessed Sceptre
[3337]Bone Club
[7379]Brutetamer's Staff
[7427]Chaos Mace
[3311]Clerical Mace
[xxxx]Club of the Fury
[7415]Cranial Basher
[3333]Crystal Mace
[3327]Daramanian Mace
[8099]Dark Trinity Mace
[7387]Diamond Sceptre
[3322]Dragon Hammer
[7430]Dragonbone Staff
[789]Earth Clerical Mace
[791]Earth Cranial Basher
[790]Earth Crystal Mace
[792]Earth Orcish Maul
[793]Earth War hammer
[3321]Enchanted Staff
[806]Energy Clerical Mace
[808]Energy Cranial Basher
[807]Energy Crystal Mace
[809]Energy Orchish Maul
[810]Energy War hammer
[670]Fiery Clerical Mace
[672]Fiery Cranial Basher
[671]Fiery Crystal Mace
[673]Fiery Orcish Maul
[674]Fiery War hammer
[7432]Furry Club
[3208]Giant Smithhammer
[xxxx]Glutton's Mace
[3325]Golden Mace
[3332]Hammer of Wrath
[3340]Heavy Mace
[689]Icy Clerical Mace
[691]Icy Cranial Basher
[690]Icy Crystal Mace
[692]Icy Orcish Maul
[693]Icy War hammer
[3310]Iron Hammer
[7422]Jade Hammer
[3343]Lich Staff
[7424]Lunar Staff
[7381]Mammoth Whopper
[3282]Morning Star
[8100]Obsidian Truncheon
[7421]Onyx Flail
[7392]Orcish Maul
[7410]Queen's Sceptre
[7437]Sapphire Hammer
[7451]Shadow Sceptre
[3312]Silver Mace
[3324]Skull Staff
[7452]Spiked Squelcher
[3336]Studded Club
[7425]Taurus Mace
[8101]The Stomper
[3309]Thunder Hammer
[3279]War Hammer

Sword Weapons

[7404]Assassin Dagger
[7406]Blacksteel Sword
[11693]Blade of Corruption
[7416]Bloody Edge
[3338]Bone Sword
[3295]Bright Sword
[3283]Carlin Sword
[3292]Combat Knife
[7385]Crimson Sword
[7449]Crystal Sword
[7382]Demonrage Sword
[3339]Djinn Blade
[7402]Dragon slayer
[782]Earth Blacksteel Sword
[783]Earth Dragon Slayer
[781]Earth Mystic Blade
[780]Earth Relic Sword
[779]Earth Spike Sword
[8102]Emerald Sword
[797]Energy Blacksteel Sword
[798]Energy Dragon Slayer
[796]Energy Mystic Blade
[795]Energy Relic Sword
[794]Energy Spike Sword
[663]Fiery Blacksteel Sword
[664]Fiery Dragon Slayer
[662]Fiery Mystic Blade
[661]Fiery Relic Sword
[660]Fiery Spike Sword
[3280]Fire Sword
[3281]Giant Sword
[7407]Haunted Blade
[7405]Havoc Blade
[3330]Heavy Machete
[3284]Ice Rapier
[682]Icy Blacksteel Sword
[683]Icy Dragon Slayer
[681]Icy Mystic Blade
[680]Icy Relic Sword
[679]Icy Spike Sword
[9396]Incredible Mumpiz Slayer
[7774]Jagged Sword
[3278]Magic Longsword
[3288]Magic Sword
[7386]Mercenary Sword
[7384]Mystic Blade
[7418]Nightmare Blade
[3334]Pharaoh Blade
[3299]Poison Dagger
[7383]Relic Sword
[6101]Ron the Ripper's Sabre
[7417]Runed Sword
[3297]Serpent Sword
[3294]Short Sword
[3290]Silver Dagger
[3271]Spike Sword
[3345]Templar Scytheblade
[7391]Thaian Sword
[6527]The Avenger
[7390]The Justice Seeker
[10392]Twin Hooks
[3265]Two Handed Sword
[3296]Warlord Sword
[7408]Wyvern Fang
[10390]Zaoan Sword

Distance Weapons
[7368]Assassin Star
[8022]Chain Bolter
[8027]Composite Hornbow
[7438]Elvish Bow
[7367]Enchanted Spear
[3347]Hunting Spear
[8021]Modified Crossbow
[8023]Royal Crossbow
[7378]Royal Spear
[1781]Small Stone
[8024]The Devileye
[8025]The Ironworker
[3298]Throwing Knife
[3287]Throwing Star
[7366]Viper Star
[8026]Warsinger Bow


[3073]Wand of Cosmic Energy
[3072]Wand of Decay
[8093]Wand of Draconia
[3075]Wand of Dragonbreath
[3071]Wand of Inferno
[8092]Wand of Starstorm
[8094]Wand of Voodoo
[3074]Wand of Vortex
[3046]Magic Light Wand
[3068]Crystal Wand


[3067]Hailstorm Rod
[3070]Moonlight Rod
[3069]Necrotic Rod
[8083]Northwind Rod
[3066]Snakebite Rod
[8084]Springsprout Rod
[3065]Terra Rod
[8082]Underworld Rod
[3483]Fishing Rod

Ammunition/projectiles for distance weapons

[3449]Burst Arrow
[774]Earth Arrow
[763]Flaming Arrow
[761]Flash Arrow
[6528]Infernal Bolt
[7365]Onyx Arrow
[7363]Piercing Bolt
[3448]Poison Arrow
[3450]Power Bolt
[762]Shiver Arrow
[7364]Sniper Arrow


[3092]Axe Ring
[9394]Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn'
[3093]Club Ring
[3007]Crystal Ring
[6299]Death Ring
[3097]Dwarven Ring
[3051]Energy Ring
[9585]Engraved Wedding Ring
[3063]Gold Ring
[3052]Life Ring
[3048]Might Ring
[3050]Power Ring
[3098]Ring of Healing
[3245]Ring of Wishes
[3006]Ring of the Sky
[349]Signet Ring
[3049]Stealth Ring
[3091]Sword Ring
[3053]Time Ring
[3004]Wedding Ring

Amulets & Necklaces

[3057]Amulet of Loss
[3025]Ancient Amulet
[10457]Beetle Necklace
[3080]Broken Amulet
[3056]Bronze Amulet
[3009]Bronze Necklace
[3008]Crystal Necklace
[3019]Demonbone Amulet
[3085]Dragon Necklace
[3082]Elven Amulet
[9802/9803]Friendship Amulet
[3083]Garlic Necklace
[815]Glacier Amulet
[3013]Golden Amulet
[7532]Koshei's Ancient Amulet
[9303]Leviathan's Amulet
[816]Lightning Pendant
[10476]Lucky Clover Amulet
[817]Magma Amulet
[3102]Paw Amulet
[3055]Platinum Amulet
[3084]Protection Amulet
[3016]Ruby Necklace
[9302]Sacred Tree Amulet
[3021]Sapphire Amulet
[3018]Scarab Amulet
[3054]Silver Amulet
[3015]Silver Necklace
[3014]Star Amulet
[3081]Stone Skin Amulet
[3045]Strange Talisman
[814]Terra Amulet
[10412]Wailing Widow's Necklace
[xxxx]Wolf Tooth Chain


[5942]Blessed Wooden stake
[5479]Cat's Paw
[3482]Closed Trap
[646]Elvenhair Rope
[5467]Fire Bug
[5865]Juice Squeezer
[5710]Light Shovel
[7889]Lock Pick
[5908]Obsidian Knife
[3462]Small Axe
[9594]Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness
[9107]Special Polish
[9596]Squeezing Gear of Girlpower
[6118]Treasure Map
[5706]Treasure Map(Pirate)
[6091/6092]Very noble-looking watch
[650]Watering Can
[9598]Whacking Driller of Fate
[3459]Wooden Hammer
[5941]Wooden Stake

Light Sources

[2911]Candelabrum [off]
[2912]Candelabrum [on]
[2919]Candestick[out of candle]
[8827]Charged Ghost Charm
[6489]Christmas Branch
[3249]Frozen Starlight
[8822]Ghost Charm
[2916]Lamp[out of oil]
[5812]Skull Candle
[5813]Skull Candle[off]
[3058]Strange Symbol
[2934]Table Lamp[off]
[2935]Talbe Lamp[on]
[2926]Torch[small,out of use]

Creature Products/Addon items

[9632]Ancient Stone
[5883]Ape Fur
[10299]Badger Fur
[11445]Bamboo Stick
[11511]Banana Sash
[5894]Bat Wing
[11447]Battle Stone
[5896]Bear Paw
[5930]Behemoth Claw
[5898]Beholder Eye
[9645]Black Hood
[11448]Black Wool
[11449]Blood Preservation
[9633]Bloody Pincers
[5912]Blue Piece of Cloth
[9667]Boggy Dreads
[10404]Bone Shoulderplate
[10277]Bony Tail
[10320]Book of Necromantic Rituals
[9646]Book of Prayers
[11702]Brimstone Fangs
[11703]Brimstone Shell
[11451]Broken Crossbow
[11660]Broken Draken Mail
[9656]Broken Gladiator Shield
[10418]Broken Halberd
[11453]Broken Helmet
[11652]Broken Key Ring
[11452]Broken Shamanic Staff
[11661]Broken Slicer
[5913]Brown Piece of Cloth
[9689]Bunch of Troll Hair
[9688]Bundle of Cursed Straw
[10300]Carniphila Seeds
[10275]Carrion Worm Fang
[10301]Centipede Leg
[5890]Chicken Feather
[9634]Cobra Tongue
[11514]Colourful Feather
[10409]Corrupted Flag
[7882]Cockroach Leg
[10272]Crab Pincers
[9638]Cultish Mask
[9639]Cultish Robe
[11455]Cultish Symbol
[10410]Cursed Shoulder Spikes
[9657]Cyclops Toe
[10303]Dark Rosary
[5906]Demon Dust
[5954]Demon Horn
[6499]Demonic Essence
[9647]Demonic Skeletal Hand
[11456]Dirty Turban
[11684]Downy Feather
[6546]Dracola's Eye
[5919]Dragon Claw
[10444]Dragon Priest's Wandtip
[11457]Dragon's Tail
[11658]Draken Sulphur
[11659]Draken Wristbands
[5900]Dwarven Beard
[10276]Elder Beholder Tentacle
[11465]Elven Astral Observer
[11464]Elven Scouting Glass
[9635]Elvish Talisman
[5891]Enchanted Chicken Wing
[10306]Essence of a Bad Dream
[11671]Eye of Corruption
[6098]Eye Patch
[9636]Fiery Heart
[5884]Fighting Spirit
[5895]Fish Fin
[9109]Fish Flakes
[11466]Flask of Embalming Fluid
[9648]Frosty Ear of a Troll
[9661]Frosty Heart
[9658]Frost Giant Pelt
[9649]Gauze Bandage
[9655]Gear Crystal
[8775]Gear Wheel
[11458]Geomancer's Robe
[11463]Geomancer's Staff
[10449]Ghastly Dragon Head
[9690]Ghostly Tissue
[11467]Ghoul Snack
[10280]Giant Eye
[5879]Giant Spider Silk
[11443]Girlish Hair Decoration
[9054]Glob of Acid Slime
[9053]Glob of Mercury
[9055]Glob of Tar
[11539]Goblin Ear
[9233]Golem Part
[5877]Green Dragon Leather
[5920]Green Dragon Scale
[5910]Green Piece of Cloth
[11446]Hair of a Banshee
[10283]Half-Digested Piece of Meat
[9659]Half-Eaten Brain
[6539]Handmaiden's Protector
[5925]Hardened Bone
[9683]Haunted Piece of Wood
[9637]Hellhound Slobber
[10304]Hellspawn Tail
[10415]High Guard Flag
[10416]High Guard's Shoulderplates
[3024]Holy Falcon
[5892]Huge Chunk of Crude Iron
[11469]Hunter's Quiver
[4839]Hydra Egg
[10282]Hydra Head
[6534]Imperor's Trident
[5880]Iron Ore
[11470]Jewelled Belt
[11471]Kongra's Shoulderpad
[10455]Lancer Beetle Shell
[10417]Legionairre Flags
[9691]Lion's Mane
[11680]Lizard Essence
[5876]Lizard Leather
[5881]Lizard Scale
[11454]Luminous Orb
[9692]Lump of Dirt
[10305]Lump of Earth
[5904]Magic Sulphur
[10321]Mammoth Tusk
[11489]Mantassin Tail
[10298]Metal Spike
[11472]Minotaur Horn
[5878]Minotaur Leather
[5943]Morgaroth's Heart
[6537]Mr.Punish's Handcuffs
[9662]Mutated Bat Ear
[10308]Mutated Flesh
[9668]Mutated Rat Tail
[9660]Mystical Hourglass
[11475]Necromantic Robe
[10314]Nettle Blossom
[11476]Nettle Spit
[11486]Noble Turban
[5804]Nose Ring
[11479]Orc Leather
[10196]Orc Tooth
[xxxx]Orc Tusk
[11477]Orcish Gear
[5808]Orshabaal's Brain
[6126]Peg Leg
[11481]Pelvis Bone
[5893]Perfect Behemoth Fang
[10420]Petrified Scream
[11483]Piece of Archer Armor
[10279]Piece of Crocodile Leather
[9663]Piece of Dead Brain
[5889]Piece of Draconian Steel
[9664]Piece of Hellfire Armor
[5888]Piece of Hell Steel
[3110]Piece of Iron
[6540]Piece of Massacre's Shell
[5887]Piece of Royal Steel
[9641]Piece of Scarab Shell
[xxxx]Piece of Sead Srain
[11482]Piece of Warrior Armor
[9693]Pig Foot
[11484]Pile of Grave Earth
[11485]Poison Spider Shell
[9640]Poisonous Slime
[9650]Polar Bear Paw
[11444]Protective Charm
[11473]Purple Robe
[11491]Quara Bone
[11488]Quara Eye
[11490]Quara Pincers
[11487]Quara Tentacle
[5948]Red Dragon Leather
[5882]Red Dragon Scale
[10289]Red Lantern
[5911]Red Piece of Cloth
[3254]Roc Feather
[11492]Rope Belt
[10291]Rotten Piece of Cloth
[11493]Safety Pin
[10456]Sandcrawler Shell
[11673]Scale of Corruption
[9631]Scarab Pincers
[9651]Scorpion Tail
[11510]Scroll of Heroic Deeds
[10312]Scythe Leg
[9666]Sea Serpent Scale
[10407]Shaggy Tail
[11478]Shamanic Hood
[10310]Shiny Stone
[10292]Silky Fur
[11480]Skull Belt
[10274]Skunk Tail
[11512]Small Flask of Eyedrops
[11450]Small Notebook
[11513]Small Pitchfork
[9694]Snake Skin
[5875]Sniper Gloves
[5944]Soul Orb
[5809]Soul Stone
[8031]Spider Fangs
[10408]Spiked Iron Ball
[9642]Spooky Blue Eye
[10278]Stone Wing
[10309]Strand of Medusa Hair
[10293]Striped Fur
[10315]Sulphurous Stone
[9686]Swamp Grass
[11672]Tail of Corruption
[10281]Tarantula Egg
[9684]Tattered Piece of Robe
[396]Technomancer Beard
[11666]Tentacle Piece
[10454]Terramite Legs
[10452]Terramite Shell
[10273]Terrorbird Beak
[6535]The Plasmother's Remains
[10307]Thick Fur
[5899]Turtle Shell
[10450]Undead Heart
[10316]Unholy Bone
[5905]Vampire Dust
[9685]Vampire Teeth
[9654]War Crystal
[10405]Warmaster's Wristguards
[5885]Warrior's Sweat
[10318]Warwolf Fur
[10397]Weaver's Wandtip
[10317]Werewolf Fur
[5909]White Piece of Cloth
[10411]Widow's Mandibles
[10313]Winged Tail
[10295]Winter Wolf Fur
[9652]Witch Broom
[5897]Wolf Paw
[9665]Wyrm Scale
[9644]Wyvern Talisman
[5914]Yellow Piece of Cloth
[10413]Zaogun Flag
[10414]Zaogun's Shoulderplates

Plants and Herbs

[3734]Blood Herb
[3659]Blue Rose
[8763]Bowl of Evergreen Flowers
[2988]Exotic Flowers
[649]Flower Bouquet
[2983]Flower Bowl
[7248]Frostbite Herb
[3674]Goat Grass
[2981]God Flowers
[3661]Grave Flower
[5921]Heaven Blossom
[5922]Holy Orchid
[2984]Honey Flower
[7250]Hydra Tongue
[3655]Moon Flower
[3673]Orange Star
[7245]Piece of Cactus
[2985]Potted Flower
[3739]Powder Herb
[7249]Purple Kiss Blossom
[3658]Red Rose
[3740]Shadow Herb
[3738]Sling Herb
[3736]Star Herb
[3735]Stone Herb
[3741]Troll Green
[3660]Yellow Rose


[8020]Baking Tray(With dough)
[6574]Bar of Chocolate
[3602]Brown Bread
[3725]Brown Mushroom
[8197]Bulb of Garlic
[10328]Bunch of Ripe Rice
[3599]Candy Cane
[8019]Chocolate Cake
[11584]Coconut Shrimp Bake
[6543]Coloured Egg(Blue)
[6544]Coloured Egg(Green)
[6545]Coloured Egg(Purple)
[6542]Coloured Egg(Red)
[6541]Coloured Egg(Yellow)
[10219]Crocodile Steak
[3728]Dark Mushroom
[6278]Decorated Cake
[11587]Demonic Candy Ball
[3583]Dragon Ham
[11681]Ectoplasmic Sushi
[3731]Fire Mushroom
[3732]Green Mushroom
[7159]Green Perch
[7377]Ice Cream Cone(Blue-Barbarian)
[7375]Ice Cream Cone(Chilly Cherry)
[7372]Ice Cream Cone(Crispy Chocolate Chips)
[xxxx]Ice Cream Cone(Venorean Dream)
[8016]Jalapeño Pepper
[6276]Lump of Cake Dough
[8018]Lump of Chocolate Dough
[3604]Lump of Dough
[3580]Northern Pike
[3726]Orange Mushroom
[6279]Party Cake
[11586]Pot of Blackjack
[7158]Rainbow Trout
[3585]Red Apple
[3724]Red Mushroom
[10329]Rice Ball
[xxxx]Scarab Cheese
[3730]Some Mushrooms
[3729]Some Mushrooms(Brown)
[11588]Sweet Mangonaise Elixir
[10453]Terramite Eggs
[5678]Tortoise Egg
[6125]Tortoise Egg from Nargor
[6392]Valentine's Cake
[3723]White Mushroom
[3727]Wood Mushrooms
[8177]Yummy Gummy Worm

Vials,Potions,Drinks,Liquids etc

[7644]Antidote Potion
[7439]Berserk Potion
[8758]Bottle of Bug Milk
[7443]Bullseye Potion
[6559]Concentrated Demonic Blood
[239]Great Health Potion
[238]Great Mana Potion
[7642]Great Spirit Potion
[266]Health Potion
[268]Mana Potion
[7440]Mastermind Potion
[9016]Rust Remover
[7876]Small Health Potion
[236]Strong Health Potion
[237]Strong Mana Potion
[7643]Ultimate Health Potion

[Magical Items]

[3147]Blank Rune
[3251]Blood Orb
[3076]Crystal Ball
[5668/5669]Enigmatic Voodoo Skull
[3061]Life Crystal
[3062]Mind Stone
[3215]Phoenix Egg
[5884]Spirit Container
[10343]Spiritual Charm

Party Items

[653]Bag(Common costume)
[655]Bag(Deluxe Costume
[654]Bag(Uncommon Costume)
[6574]Bar of Chocolate
[6576]Fireworks Rocket
[6575/6577]Green Balloon
[6578]Party Hat
[6572/6573]Party Trumpet
[2995]Piggy Bank
[2996]Piggy Bank[broken]
[6575/6577]Red Balloon
[6570]Surprise Bag(Blue)
[6571]Surprise Bag(Red)
[235]Suspicious Surprise Bag
[900]Yellow Pillow(Supersoft)


[3027]Black Pearl
[3041]Blue Gem
[6526]Christmas Token
[6536]Countess Sorrow's Frozen Tear
[3043]Crystal Coin
[3068]Crystal Wand
[9028]Crystal of Balance
[9027]Crystal of Focus
[9067]Crystal of Power
[3010]Emeral Bangle
[282]Giant Shimmering Pearl (Gold)
[281]Giant Shimmering Pearl (Blue)
[3031]Gold Coin
[9058]Gold Ingot
[3040]Gold Nugget
[3038]Green Gem
[3023]Holy Scarab
[5021]Orihalcum Pearl
[3035]Platinum Coin
[3039]Red Gem
[3042]Scarab Coin
[3017]Silver Brooch
[3033]Small Amethyst
[3028]Small Diamond
[3032]Small Emerald
[678]Small Enchanted Amethyst
[677]Small Enchanted Emerald
[676]Small Enchanted Ruby
[675]Small Enchanted Sapphire
[3030]Small Ruby
[3029]Small Sapphire
[9057]Small Topaz
[8192]Vampire Lord Token
[3036]Violet Gem
[3026]White Pearl
[3037]Yellow Gem

Rusty Equipment

[8894]Rusty Armor [Common]
[8895]Rusty Armor [Semi Rare]
[8896]Rusty Armor [Rare]
[8903]Rusty Boots [Common]
[8904]Rusty Boots [Semi Rare]
[8905]Rusty Boots [Rare]
[8906]Rusty Helmet [Common]
[8907]Rusty Helmet [Semi Rare]
[8908]Rusty Helmet [Rare]
[8897]Rusty Legs [Common]
[8898]Rusty Legs [Semi Rare]
[8899]Rusty Legs [Rare]
[8900]Rusty Shield [Common]
[8901]Rusty Shield [Semi Rare]
[8902]Rusty Shield [Rare]
[8891]Rusty Sword [Common]
[8892]Rusty Sword [Semi Rare]
[8893]Rusty Sword [Rare]


[3104]Banana Skin
[3116]Big Bone
[2892]Broken Bottle
[2894]Broken Brown Glass
[3117]Broken Flask
[3118]Broken Green Glass
[2996]Broken Piggy Bank
[3113]Broken Pottery
[3119]Broken Sword
[3124]Burnt Scroll
[3122]Dirty Cape
[3105]Dirty Fur
[284]Empty Potion Flask(Large)
[283]Empty Potion Flask(Medium)
[285]Empty Potion Flask(Small)
[5951]Fish Tail
[3120]Moldy Cheese
[3106]Old Twig
[3125]Remains of a Fish
[3112]Rotten Meat
[3129]Some Leaves
[3107]Some Wood
[3121]Torn Book
[2913]Used Candelabrum
[2919]Used Candlestick
[3135]Wooden Trash [Lightbrown]
[3136]Wooden Trash [Drawer lookalike]
[3137]Wooden Trash [Chest lookalike]
[3138]Wooden Trash [Chair lookalike]
[3139]Wooden Trash [Darkbrown]
[3140]Wooden Trash [Dark Chest lookalike]
[3141]Steel Trash [Statue lookalike]
[3142]Stone Trash [Pot lookalike]
[3143]Steel Trash [Gold lookalike]
[9020]Worn Firewalker Boots
[3123]Worn Leather Boots
[6530]Worn Soft Boots


[3203]Animate Dead
[3153]Antidote Rune
[3177]Convince Creature
[3148]Destroy Field
[3149]Energy Bomb
[3164]Energy Field
[3166]Energy Wall
[3192]Fire Bomb
[3188]Fire Field
[3190]Fire Wall
[11614]Golden Rune Emblem [Animate Dead]
[11624]Golden Rune Emblem [Avalanche]
[11634]Golden Rune Emblem [Chameleon]
[11632]Golden Rune Emblem [Desintegrate]
[11640]Golden Rune Emblem [Destroy Field]
[11628]Golden Rune Emblem [Energy Bomb]
[11636]Golden Rune Emblem [Energy Wall]
[11608]Golden Rune Emblem [Explosion]
[11622]Golden Rune Emblem [Icicle]
[11650]Golden Rune Emblem [Fire Field]
[11618]Golden Rune Emblem [Fireball]
[11644]Golden Rune Emblem [Firebomb]
[11616]Golden Rune Emblem [Great Fireball]
[11606]Golden Rune Emblem [Heavy Magic Missile]
[11626]Golden Rune Emblem [Holy Missile]
[11648]Golden Rune Emblem [Light Magic Missile]
[11612]Golden Rune Emblem [Magic Wall]
[11630]Golden Rune Emblem [Paralyze]
[11646]Golden Rune Emblem [Poison Bomb]
[11638]Golden Rune Emblem [Soulfire]
[11610]Golden Rune Emblem [Sudden Death]
[11620]Golden Rune Emblem [Thunderstorm]
[11604]Golden Rune Emblem [Ultimate Healing]
[11642]Golden Rune Emblem [Wild Growth]
[3191]Great Fireball
[3198]Heavy Magic Missile
[3182]Holy Missile
[3152]Intense Healing Rune
[3174]Light Magic Missile
[3180]Magic Wall
[3173]Poison Bomb
[3172]Poison Field Rune
[3176]Poison Wall
[11613]Silver Rune Emblem [Animate Dead]
[11623]Silver Rune Emblem [Avalanche]
[11633]Silver Rune Emblem [Chameleon]
[11631]Silver Rune Emblem [Desintegrate]
[11639]Silver Rune Emblem [Destroy Field]
[11627]Silver Rune Emblem [Energy Bomb]
[11635]Silver Rune Emblem [Energy Wall]
[11607]Silver Rune Emblem [Explosion]
[11621]Silver Rune Emblem [Icicle]
[11649]Silver Rune Emblem [Fire Field]
[11617]Silver Rune Emblem [Fireball]
[11643]Silver Rune Emblem [Firebomb]
[11615]Silver Rune Emblem [Great Fireball]
[11605]Silver Rune Emblem [Heavy Magic Missile]
[11625]Silver Rune Emblem [Holy Missile]
[11647]Silver Rune Emblem [Light Magic Missile]
[11611]Silver Rune Emblem [Magic Wall]
[11629]Silver Rune Emblem [Paralyze]
[11645]Silver Rune Emblem [Poison Bomb]
[11637]Silver Rune Emblem [Soulfire]
[11609]Silver Rune Emblem [Sudden Death]
[11619]Silver Rune Emblem [Thunderstorm]
[11603]Silver Rune Emblem [Ultimate Healing]
[11641]Silver Rune Emblem [Wild Growth]
[3179]Stalagmite Rune
[3175]Stone Shower
[3155]Sudden Death
[3160]Ultimate Healing Rune
[3156]Wild Growth Rune

Quest Items

[10025]Almanach of Magic
[xxxx]Ancient Rune
[xxxx]Animal Cure
[10026]Baby Rotworm
[xxxx]Bale of White Cloth
[xxxx]Bale of Yellowed Cloth
[xxxx]Barrel of Beer
[xxxx]Beer Bottle
[11695]Black Jade Cobra
[xxxx]Blank Poetry Parchment
[xxxx]Blessed Ankh
[xxxx]Blood Crystal
[xxxx]Blue Note
[4867]Botanist's Container
[11699]Botany Almanach
[xxxx]Bread (Garlic)
[xxxx]Bricklayer's Kit
[xxxx]Brutus Bloodbeard's Hat
[xxxx]Burning Heart
[xxxx]Butterfly Conservation Kit
[9698]Carrying Device
[xxxx]Cask of Brown Ale(Item)
[xxxx]Ceiron's Waterskin
[xxxx]Ceiron's Wolf Tooth Chain
[xxxx]Ceremonial Ankh
[xxxx]Charged Ghost Charm
[xxxx]Cobrafang Dagger
[xxxx]Cough Cyrup
[xxxx]Crystal Arrow
[xxxx]Crystal Ring(Eleonore)
[xxxx]Damaged Logbook
[xxxx]Damaged Steel helmet
[xxxx]Deadeye Devious' Eyepatch
[xxxx]Deed of Ownership
[xxxx]Disguise Kit
[xxxx]Document of the Follower
[xxxx]Document of the Leader
[xxxx]Document of the Officer
[xxxx]Dwarven Pickaxe
[xxxx]Easily Inflammable Sulphur
[xxxx]Ectoplasm Container
[xxxx]Elane's Crossbow
[xxxx]Elven Poetry Book
[xxxx]Empty Beer Bottle
[xxxx]Empty Flower Pot
[xxxx]Energy Soil
[946]Eternal Flames
[xxxx]Exploding Cookie
[xxxx]Explorer Brooch
[11545]Exquisite Silk
[xxxx]Exquisite Wood
[11544]Faded Last Will
[xxxx]Fake Dwarven Beard
[xxxx]Family Brooch
[xxxx]Family Brooch(Dwarven Family)
[xxxx]File AH-X17L89
[9699]Filled Carrying Device
[xxxx]Fine Sulphur
[xxxx]Fine Vase
[10009]Flask of Crown Polisher
[11364]Flask of Plant Poison
[10183]Flask With Beaver Bait
[xxxx]Flask With Paint
[xxxx]Flawless Ice Crystal
[11550]Flexible Dragon Scale
[xxxx]Frost Charm
[xxxx]Frostbite Herb
[xxxx]Funeral Urn
[xxxx]Gem Holder
[xxxx]Gemmed Lamp
[xxxx]Ghost Charm
[xxxx]Ghost Residue
[xxxx]Ghost's Tear
[xxxx]Giant Ape's Hair
[941]Glimmering Soil
[xxxx]Hallowed Axe
[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Dark)
[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Pink)
[xxxx]Hat for Eclesius (Wooden)
[xxxx]Heavy Package
[xxxx]Helmet (Morik)
[xxxx]Helmet Adornment
[xxxx]Helmet Ornament
[xxxx]Helmet Piece
[xxxx]Ice Pick
[xxxx]Iced Soil
[xxxx]Icicle(Item,not the rune)
[11541]Jean Pierre's Cookbook II
[xxxx]Jerom's Family Necklace
[xxxx]Jewel Case (Nomad)
[xxxx]Jug (Ants)
[xxxx]Jug of Embalming Fluid
[xxxx]Julius' Map
[xxxx]Left Horn
[xxxx]Letter to Chantalle
[xxxx]Letter to Eremo
[xxxx]Letter to Markwin
[11552]Magic Crystal
[xxxx]Magical Watch
[10011]Map to the Unknown
[11328]Marked Crate
[xxxx]Matrix Crystal
[xxxx]Mead Horn
[9307]Mechanical Fish
[xxxx]Memory Crystal
[xxxx]Memory Stone
[9615]Midnight Shard
[xxxx]Mining Helmet (Budrik)
[947]Mother Soil
[11551]Mystic Root
[xxxx]Nature Magic Spellbook
[xxxx]Neutral Matter
[xxxx]Nilsor's Waterskin
[11549]Old Iron
[4831]Old Parchment
[xxxx]Old Piece of Paper
[xxxx]Old and Used Backpack (Sam's old backpack)
[xxxx]Ornamented Ankh
[xxxx]Package of Potions
[xxxx]Parchment(Arito's Deathlist)(Nomad Parchment)
[xxxx]Picture(Mina Losa)
[xxxx]Piece of Broken Amulet
[xxxx]Piece of Cactus
[8762]Piece of Royal Satin
[9696]Plans for a Strange Device
[xxxx]Poem Scroll
[xxxx]Present Bag
[948]Pure Energy
[xxxx]Purple Kiss Blossom
[9697]Rare Crystal
[11362]Replica of the Sceptre
[xxxx]Research Notes
[xxxx]Resonance Crystal
[xxxx]Right Horn
[xxxx]Ring (Rerun)
[xxxx]Rotten Heart of a Tree
[xxxx]Sample of Sand Wasp Honey
[8759]Sample of Venorean Spice
[xxxx]Scale from a Frozen Dragon
[xxxx]Scarab Cheese
[11426]Scribbled Piece of Paper
[xxxx]Secret Letter
[10199]Serpent Crest
[xxxx]Signet Ring
[xxxx]Simon the Beggar's Favorite Staff
[10159]Skull of a Caveman
[xxxx]Skull of Ratha
[xxxx]Snake Destroyer
[11371]Snake Sceptre
[xxxx]Some Special Leaves
[10028]Soul Contract
[xxxx]Special Flask
[11546]Spectral Cloth
[xxxx]Spectral Dress
[xxxx]Sprectral Stone
[xxxx]Spellbook of Dragha
[xxxx]Spool of Yarn
[xxxx]Spy Report
[4838]Strange Powder
[xxxx]Striker's Favourite Pillow
[11548]Strong Sinew
[xxxx]Sword Hilt
[3233]Tear of Daraman
[xxxx]The Dust of Arthei
[xxxx]The Dust of Boreth
[xxxx]The Dust of Lersatio
[xxxx]The Dust of Marziel
[xxxx]The Dwarven Emperor's Beard
[6100]The Lethal Lissy's Shirt
[xxxx]The Ring of the Count
[11367]The Tail of the Keeper
[xxxx]The Witches' Grimoire
[123]Toy Mouse
[xxxx]Tracing Paper
[10027]Universal Tool
[xxxx]Valuable Vase
[9041]Vampiric Crest
[xxxx]Waldos Posthorn
[xxxx]Whisper Beer
[xxxx]Whisper Moss
[xxxx]White Flower(Item)
[xxxx]Whoopee Cushion
[xxxx]Witches' Cap Spot
[xxxx]Wrinkled Parchment


[2830/2845]Big Blue Demona Book
[2821/2838]Black Book
[2829/2844]Blue Book
[2850]Blue Tome
[2816/2837]Brown Book
[2826/2841]Brown Square Book
[2825/2840]Brown Thin Book
[2832/2847]Fat Green Book
[2842]Gemmed Book
[2831/2846]Green Book
[2849]Green Tome
[2824/2839]Grey Small Book
[2851e]Grey Tome
[8155]Heavily Bound Book
[2836]Holy Tible
[xxxx]Nature Magic Spellbook
[2828/2843]Orange Book
[2848]Purple Tome
[2827]Red Square Book
[2852]Red Tome
[7874]The Witches' Grimoire
[8149/8174]Tibiacity Encyclopedia
[6103]Unholy Book
[7879]Your Student Book


[10817/10818]Bag of Oriental Spices
[6491]Bat Decoration [not on wall]
[2975]Bird Cage [no bird]
[2976]Bird Cage [with bird]
[9056]Black Skull
[8531]Blood Goblet
[8532]Blood Skull
[6504]Blue Christmas Garland [not on wall]
[2394]Blue Pillow
[10244]Bonebeast trophy
[10244]Bonebeast trophy [on wall]
[7371]Bronze Goblet
[8737]CM Token
[6502]Christmas Branch
[6505 / 6506]Christmas Bundle(Red)
[6507 / 6510]Christmas Bundle(Blue)
[6508 / 6509]Christmas Bundle(Green)
[6501]Christmas Wreath
[xxxx]Clay Lump
[2664/2668]Cuckoo Clock
[xxxx]Disgusting Trophy
[2933]Djinn's Lamp
[9039]Dracoyle Statue [enchanted, facing right]
[9034]Dracoyle Statue [enchanted, facing south]
[9040]Dracoyle Statue [normal, facing right]
[9035]Dracoyle Statue [normal, facing south]
[10398]Draken Trophy
[10477]Dragon Goblet
[xxxx]Dragon Tapestry
[10347]Dragon Tapestry [on the wall, facing east]
[2635]Edged Mirror [not on wall]
[9606]Egg of the Many
[xxxx]Elven Brooch
[xxxx]Elven Vase
[10798 / 107899]Ferumbras Doll
[896]Firlefanz [not on wall]
[325 / 326 / 327 / 328]Flower Pot [Dieing plant]
[306 / 316 / 324 / 330]Flower Pot [Empty, plant is dead]
[306 / 316 / 324 / 330]Flower Pot [just planted]
[321 / 329]Flower Pot [growing, but unrecognizeable]
[333 / 334]Flower Pot [Dryad's Heart Flower, still growing]
[341 / 342]Flower Pot [Dryad's Heart Flower, fully grown]
[331 / 332]Flower Pot [Lizard Tongue Fern, still growing]
[339 / 340]Flower Pot [Lizard Tongue Fern, fully grown]
[335 / 336]Flower Pot [Midnight Bloom Flower, still growing]
[343 / 344]Flower Pot [Midnight Bloom Flower, fully grown]
[337 / 338]Flower Pot [Ember Queen Flower, still growing]
[345 / 346]Flower Pot [Ember Queen Flower, fully grown]
[xxxx]Flower Pot [Finger Snapper Plant, still growing]
[xxxx]Flower Pot [Finger Snapper Plant, fully grown]
[xxxx]Flower Pot [Fairy Dancer Flower, still growing]
[xxxx]Flower Pot [Fairy Dancer Flower, fully grown]
[3249]Frozen Starlight
[8148/8175]Golden Falcon
[5749]Golden Figurine
[7369]Golden Goblet
[9212]Golden Trophy of Excellence
[5928]Goldfish Bowl(Empty)
[5929]Goldfish Bowl(With Goldfish)
[2396]Green Pillow
[2393]Heart pillow
[7441]Ice Cube [Raw]
[7442]Ice Cube [1x used]
[7443]Ice Cube [2x used]
[7444]Ice Cube [3x used]
[7445]Ice Mammoth
[7447]Ice Statue(Bird)
[7446]Ice Statue(Fish)
[895]Jester Staff
[8150]Key of Numerous Locks
[xxxx]Lizard Trophy
[5783]Medal of Honour
[5802]Message in a Bottle
[2994]Model Ship
[8146/8147]Oracle Figurine
[10800/10801]Orc's Jaw Shredder
[2638]Oval Mirror [not on wall]
[2640]Picture(Still Life)
[10426]Piece of Marble Rock
[xxxx]Pigeon Trophy
[2995]Piggy Bank
[10425]Pretty Clay Statue
[2978]Pumpkinhead [Lighted]
[2395]Red Pillow
[xxxx]Rotten Heart of a Tree
[10432]Rough Clay Statue
[10423]Rough Clay Statue [Player can use serious improvement]
[10427]Rough Marble Statue
[2398]Round Blue Pillow
[2632]Round Mirror [not on wall]
[2400]Round Purple Pillow
[2399]Round Red Pillow
[2401]Round Turqoise Pillow
[9045]Royal Tapestry
[9046]Silky Tapestry
[7370]Silver Trophy
[6525]Skeleton Decoration [not on wall]
[2389]Small Blue Pillow
[2387]Small Green Pillow
[2933]Small Oil Lamp
[2390]Small Orange Pillow
[2386]Small Purple Pillow
[2388]Small Red Pillow
[2391]Small Turqoise Pillow
[2392]Small White Pillow
[10207]Snowman Package
[3020]Some Golden Fruits
[2644]Tapestry [purple/pink, not on wall]
[2647]Tapestry [green, not on wall]
[2650]Tapestry [yellow, not on wall]
[2653]Tapestry [orange, not on wall]
[2656]Tapestry [red, not on wall]
[2659]Tapestry [blue, not on wall]
[5615]Tapestry [pirate, not on wall]
[8152]The Mexcalibur
[8151]TibiaHispano Emblem
[xxxx]Tibiora's Box
[8923]Velvet Tapestry [not on wall]
[2974]Water Pipe
[xxxx]Wolf Whistle
[2397]Yellow Pillow

Dolls and Bears

[3213]Annihilation Bear
[7183/7184]Baby Seal Doll
[3001]Cute Teddy
[xxxx]Epaminondas Doll
[8778]Jester Doll
[10290]Mini Mummy
[3078]Mysterious Fetish
[10277]Nightmare Doll
[8154 / 8157]Norseman Doll
[5080 / 6568]Panda Teddy
[8781]Part of a Jester Doll(Left Arm)
[8783]Part of a Jester Doll(Left Leg)
[8782]Part of a Jester Doll(Right Arm)
[8784]Part of a Jester Doll(Right Leg)
[5810]Pirate Voodoo Doll
[6567]Santa Doll
[10338]Santa Teddy
[10339]Snowman Doll
[5791/6566]Stuffed Dragon
[10294]Stuffed Toad
[2993]Teddy Bear
[8779]The Head of a Jester Doll
[8780]The Torso of a Jester Doll
[10217]Tome of Knowledge
[123]Toy Mouse
[8178]Toy Spider
[10198]Tribal Crest
[8191]Vampire Doll
[3002]Voodoo Doll (Dworcs)
[3209]Voodoo Doll (King)
[2989]Wooden Doll

Kitchen Tools

[3464]Baking Tray
[3474]Bowl(Pirate, green)
[3475]Bowl(Pirate, white)
[3476]Bowl(Pirate, yellow)
[3479]Jug (Pirate, Blue)
[3478]Jug (Pirate, Gold)
[3480]Jug (Pirate, Green)
[3477]Jug (Pirate, Silver)
[3469]Kitchen Knife
[2884]Mug (Pirate)
[3472]Oven Spatula
[3473]Rolling Pin
[3470]Wooden Spoon


[7396]Behemoth Trophy
[xxxx]Bonebeast Trophy
[7398]Cyclops Trophy
[7397]Deer Trophy
[7393]Demon Trophy
[10421]Disgusting Trophy
[7399]Dragon Trophy
[xxxx]Draken Trophy
[9626]Golden Fafnar Trophy
[7400]Lion Trophy
[xxxx]Lizard Trophy
[902]Marlin Trophy
[7401]Minotaur Trophy
[xxxx]Orc's Jaw Shredder
[7395]Orc Trophy
[9613]Sea Serpent Trophy
[9627]Silver Fafnar Trophy
[11679]Souleater Trophy
[7394]Wolf Trophy


[3253]Backpack of Holding
[5949]Beach Backpack
[5950]Beach Bag
[2869]Blue Backpack
[2861]Blue Bag
[2473]Box (Brown)
[8860]Brocade Backpack
[8861]Brocade Bag
[2872]Camouflage Backpack
[2864]Camouflage Bag
[9605]Crown Backpack
[xxxx]Demon Backpack
[10326]Dragon Backpack
[10324]Expedition Backpack
[10325]Expedition Bag
[7342]Fur Backpack
[7343]Fur Bag
[2871]Golden Backpack
[2863]Golden Bag
[2865]Green Backpack
[2857]Green Bag
[2870]Grey Backpack
[2862]Grey Bag
[10202]Heart Backpack
[6104]Jewel Case
[5801]Jewelled Backpack
[5801]Key Ring [Doesn't exist anymore on RL tibia, Jewelled Backpack has same ID.]
[xxxx]Lizard Backpack
[10327]Minotaur Backpack
[9604]Moon Backpack
[3244]Old and Used Backpack(Sam's old backpack)
[xxxx]Pile of Bones
[5926]Pirate Backpack
[5927]Pirate Bag
[2868]Purple Backpack
[2860]Purple Bag
[2867]Red Backpack
[2859]Red Bag
[10346]Santa Backpack
[3504]Stamped Parcel
[2866]Yellow Backpack
[2858]Yellow Bag

Fluid Containers

[2885]Brown Flask
[9083]Cocktail Glass
[9232]Cocktail Glass [Empty]
[2903]Golden Mug
[2877]Green Flask
[3479]Jug [Pirate, Blue]
[3478]Jug [Pirate, Gold]
[3480]Jug [Pirate, Green]
[3477]Jug [Pirate, Silver
[2884]Mug [Pirate]
[5552]Rum Flask

Documents and Papers

[2813]Blank Paper
[2817]Blank Poetry Parchment
[6387]Christmas Card
[6522]Gingerbread Recipe
[8153/8176]Golden Newspaper
[6087]Hymn #1 [First Verse]
[6088]Hymn #2 [Second Verse]
[6089]Hymn #3 [Third Verse]
[6090]Hymn #4 [Fourth Verse]
[5957]Lottery Ticket
[641]Old Piece of Paper
[xxxx]Research Notes
[3506]Stamped Letter
[6538]Valentine's Card
[5958]Winning Lottery Ticket


[9064]Crystal Pedestal [Blue]
[9065]Crystal Pedestal [Cyan]
[9066]Crystal Pedestal [Green]
[9063]Crystal Pedestal [Red]
[xxxx]Trophy Stand

Musical Instruments

[xxxx]Horn of Sundering
[2957]Post Horn
[2956]Royal Fanfare
[2954]Simple Fanfare
[2951]War Drum
[xxxx]War Horn
[2948]Wooden Flute
[xxxx]Wooden Whistle